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Dunking in the Dark

The project was completed in a team of students. Those involved are as followed: Hagan Miller (Environmental Art and Level Design), Woody McCoy (Programming), Yumi Sato (Music and UI), Justin Yook (Interactable Game Art), and Silvia Chen (Programming) and was completed over the course of 3 weeks.


The game is a player vs. player 2D platformer where both players attempt to score their basketball the goal before their opponent. There are multiple platform types as well as power-ups to create diversity in the gameplay. The game also features random respawns in different parts of the map, in the corners for the player, and three centralized locations for the goal. The game features a neon aesthetic while the map is shrouded in darkness making the game more competitively maze like.

Each level was composed of a rectangular tile structure that varied between basic or attributed tiles. These varied the composition of each layout. The art style was neon and the map was covered in darkness except for an area around each player, allowing them to navigate through the map, and the basketball goal, where they had to score.

2D Art Style

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